Demonstrations of Procedures

Missing Value Analysis (MVA)

Demonstration of Missing Value Analysis procedure with Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm using SPSS software.

This workshop demonstrates the detection of missing values and their imputation and validation using the EM procedure. The demonstrator is Associate Professor Gavin Brown and the data is courtesy of Rachel Williams, PhD student in LDPP, Faculty of Education and Social Work.

MVA demonstration

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

Demonstration of Confirmatory Factor Analysis using AMOS software.

This workshop demonstrates the design, implementation, and validation of a confirmatory factor analysis model using AMOS software. The demonstrator is Associate Professor Gavin Brown and the data is courtesy of Rachel Williams, PhD student in LDPP, Faculty of Education and Social Work.


CFA workshop

Interpreting Fit Statistics

Demonstration of interpreting measurement model goodness of fit statistics.

Interpreting Fit Statistics

Using R Software

The R Computing For Educators blog provides an introduction to R computing for quantitative educational researchers wanting to make use of the program. The videos help users download and install the program, perform basic maths, carry out more sophisticated Monte Carlo simulation to estimate sample size, and more... 

Visit the R Computing For Educators blog.
