Faculty of Education and Social Work

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  • Maidment, J., & Beddoe, L. (Eds.). (2016). Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand:  Diverse perspectives.  Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.

Journal articles

  • Fouché, C., & Bartley, A. (2016). Teaching data analysis to the data-averse: A framework for educators. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 1-14. doi:10.1080/08841233.2016.1125231
  • Fouché, C.B. & Chubb, L.A. (2016), Action researchers encountering ethical review: a literature synthesis on challenges and strategies. Educational Action Research, doi: 10.1080/09650792.2015.1128956
  • Fraser, H., Michell, D., Beddoe, L., & Jarldorn, M. (2016). Working-class women study social science degrees: Remembering enablers and detractors. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-14. doi:10.1080/07294360.2015.1137885
  • Hyslop, I. (2016). Social work in the teeth of a gale: A resilient counter-discourse in neoliberal times. Critical and Radical Social Work. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1332/204986016X14519919041316
  • Stanfield, D., & Beddoe, L. (2016). Social work and social media in Aotearoa New Zealand: Educating social workers across shifting boundaries of social work identity. Social Work Education, 1-13. doi:10.1080/02615479.2016.1154663


  • Bartley, A. (2016).Law and policy. In J. Maidment  & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for Social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 34-47). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • Beddoe, L. (2016). Social policy, moral panics and the media. In J. Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse Perspectives. (pp.63-78) Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • De Haan, I. (2016). Steps in the right direction: Policy and practice responses to family violence. In J. Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 194-207). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press
  •  Deane, K., & Shepherd, M. (2016). Social policy and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand: Statistics, strategies and services. In J. Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 208-222). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • Fenaughty, J.,  & Pega, F. (2016).  Life beyond marriage equality: Enduring social policy concerns for gender and sexually diverse New Zealanders. In J. Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 223-236). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • Maidment, J., & Beddoe, L. (2016). Introduction: Social policy, social work and social change. In J. Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 21-33). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • Marlowe, J., & Humpage, L. (2016). Policy responses to refugees in Aotearoa New Zealand: A rights-based analysis. In J. Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 150-163). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
  • O’Brien, M. (2016). Child poverty: The politics, the problem, the advocacy. In J, Maidment & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Social policy for social work and human services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Diverse perspectives (pp. 288-301). Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.



  • Beddoe, L., & Maidment, J. (Eds.) (2015). Supervision in social work: Contemporary issues. London: Routledge
  • Bray, P.  & McLean, L. (Eds.) (2015). At the crossroads of crisis and opportunity: Interdisciplinary conversations. Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • Bray, P., & Borlescu, A.M. (Eds.) (2015). Beyond Present Patient Realities: Collaboration, Care and Identity. Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-408-3
  • Espiner, D., & Guild, D. (2015). Rolling with resilience: Building family strengths. Lennox, SD: Starr Commonwealth, Circle of Courage Publications.
  • Fouché, C. B. (2015). Practice research partnerships in social work: Making a difference. Bristol: Policy Press

Journal articles

  • Beddoe, L. (2015). Supervision and developing the profession: One supervision or many? China Journal of Social Work, 8(2), 150-163. doi:10.1080/17525098.2015.1039173
  • Beddoe, L., Karvinen-Niinikoski, S., Ruch, G., & Tsui, M.-s. (2015). Towards an international consensus on a research agenda for social work supervision: Report on the first survey of a Delphi study. British Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcv110
  • Bogen, R., & Marlowe, J. (2015). Asylum discourse in New Zealand: Moral panic and a culture of indifference. Australian Social Work, 1-12. doi:10.1080/0312407x.2015.1076869
  • Chacko, E. E., Wright, W. M., Worrall, R. C., Adamson, C., & Cheung, G. (2015). Reactions to driving cessation: a qualitative study of people with dementia and their families. Australasian Psychiatry: bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. doi:10.1177/1039856215591326
  • Davys, A. M., & Beddoe, L. (2015). ‘Going live’: A negotiated collaborative model for live observation of practice. Practice, 27(3), 177-196. 10.1080/09503153.2015.1032234
  • Davys, A. M., & Beddoe, L. (2015). ‘Going Live’: An exploration of models of peer, supervisor observation and observation for assessment. Practice, 1-18. 10.1080/09503153.2015.1053857
  • Döbl, S., Huggard, P., & Beddoe, L. (2015). A hidden jewel: social work in primary health care practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Primary Health Care, 7(4), 333-338.
  • Espiner, D.A., & Hartnett, F.M. (2015). Confinement, community, citizenship. Social Work and Social Sciences Review 17(3), 122-136. DOI: 10.1921/13403170310
  • Fleming, T., Lucassen, M., Stasiak, K., Shepherd, M., & Merry, S. (2015). The impact and utility of computerised therapy for educationally alienated teenagers: The views of adolescents who participated in an alternative education‐based trial. Clinical Psychologist. DOI: 10.1111/cp.12052
  • Fouché, C., Beddoe, L., Bartley, A., & Parkes, E. (2015). Are we ready for them? Overseas-qualified social workers' professional cultural transition. European Journal of Social Work, 1-14. doi:10.1080/13691457.2015.1022858
  • Jarldorn, M., Beddoe, L., Fraser, H., & Michell, D. (2015). Planting a seed: encouraging service users towards educational goals. Social Work Education, 34(8), 921-935. doi:10.1080/02615479.2015.1098607
  • Kang, W-M., Harington, P., & Park, H.-J. (2015). Double empowerment: The role of the Korean community in empowering Korean older people in New Zealand. Journal of Social Work, 15(4), 371–389. DOI:10.1177/1468017314546446
  • Lucassen, M. F., Hatcher, S., Fleming, T. M., Stasiak, K., Shepherd, M. J., & Merry, S. N. (2015). A qualitative study of sexual minority young people’s experiences of computerised therapy for depression. Australasian Psychiatry, 1039856215579542.
  • Mahony, C., Marlowe, J., Humpage, L. & Baird, N. (2015) Aspirational yet precarious: Compliance of New Zealand refugee settlement policy with international obligations, International Journal of Border and Migration Studies. [no doi]
  • Marlowe, J & Bogen, R. (2015) Young people from refugee backgrounds as a resource for disaster risk reduction, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2015.06.013
  • Marlowe, J. (2015). South Sudan and Poverty. In Odekon, M (ed) The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty.
  • Marlowe, J. & Tolich, M. (2015) Shifting from research governance to research ethics: A novel paradigm for ethical review in community based research, Research Ethics, doi: 10.1177/1747016115579536
  • Park, H-J. (2015). Infusing gerontological content into social work education in New Zealand and Korea    Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education. 17(1), 25-38
  • Park, H.-J. (2015). Ageing in anomie: Later-life migration and its implications for anti-anomic social work practice. International Social Work. n/a-n/a. DOI: 10.1177/0020872815574129.
  • Park, H.-J. (2015). Legislating for filial piety: An indirect approach to promoting family support and responsibility for older people in Korea. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 27(3), 280-293. DOI:10.1080/08959420.2015.1024536.
  • Park, H.-J. (2015). Lessons from filial piety: Do we need ‘memorial social work’ for the dead and their families? Qualitative Social Work. doi:10.1177/1473325015616289
  • Pockett, R., & Beddoe, L. (2015). Social work in health care: An international perspective. International Social Work. doi:10.1177/0020872814562479
  • Rankine, M., & Thompson, A. (2015). ‘Swimming to shore’: Co-constructing supervision with a thinking-aloud process. Reflective Practice, 1-14. doi:10.1080/14623943.2015.1064377
  • Ronoh, S., Gaillard, J. C., & Marlowe, J. (2015). Children with disabilities and disaster preparedness: a case study of Christchurch. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 10(2), 91-102. doi:10.1080/1177083x.2015.1068185
  • Ronoh, S., Gaillard, J. C., & Marlowe, J. (2015). Children with disabilities and disaster risk reduction: A Review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 1-11. doi:10.1007/s13753-015-0042-9
  • Shepherd, M., Fleming, T., Lucassen, M., Stasiak, K., Lambie, I., & Merry, S. N. (2015). The design and relevance of a computerized gamified depression therapy program for indigenous Māori adolescents. JMIR Serious Games, 3 (1) DOI: 10.2196/games.3804
  • Thorburn, N. J., & de Haan, I. (2015). Children and survival sex: A social work agenda. Aotearoa Social Work Review, 26(4), 14-21. 
  • Webster, M. (2015). Online continuing professional development: Key factors for successful engagement. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education. 17(1),68-82
  • Webster, M., McNabb, D., & Darroch, J. (2015). Advancing social work professionalism: Standards for management and leadership in Aotearoa New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 27(3), 44-56.
  • Weir, A. & Fouché, C. (2015). Community-based dementia day programmes: Common elements and outcome measures. Dementia.   DOI: 10.1177/1471301215590504
  • Wilson, D., Smith, R., Tolmie, J., & de Haan, I. (2015). Becoming better helpers: Rethinking language to move beyond simplistic responses to women experiencing intimate partner violence.  Policy Quarterly, 11(1), 25-31.
  • Yao, E.S.W., Deane, K. L. & Bullen, P. (2015). Trends and transitions from secondary school: Insights from a boarding school for disadvantaged New Zealand youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 18(10), 1347-1365. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2015.1048202


  • Adamson, C. (2015). Best practice in responding to critical incidents and potentially traumatic experience within an organisational setting. In M. Pack, J. Cargill (Eds.) Evidence discovery and assessment in social work practice (pp. 302-323). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Information Science Reference.
  • Adamson, C. E. (2015). Supervision is not politically innocent. Chapter 2 in E. Beddoe & J. Maidment, Supervision in Social Work: Contemporary Issues, pp. 10-21. Abingdon, U.K., Routledge.
  • Appleton, C.M. & Adamson C.E. (2015). The Concept of Integrity in Relation to Failing and Marginal Students,  in A. Bellinger & D. Ford (Eds),  Doing Field education, (pp 181-201).Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
  • Beddoe , L. (2015). Making a moral panic - ‘Feral families’, family violence and welfare reforms in New Zealand: Doing the work of the state?  In V. E. Cree (Ed.), Moral panics in theory and Practice: Gender and Family (pp. 31-42). Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Beddoe , L. (2015). Social work using information and communication technology. In J. Maidment & R. Egan (Eds.), Practice skills in social work and welfare: More than just common sense (pp. 51-67). Crows Nest NSW: Allen & Unwin
  • Beddoe, L. (2015). Professional development. In: J. Wright (editor-in-chief), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences, (2nd ed.), (Vol.19, pp. 89-94). Oxford, England: Elsevier.
  • Beddoe, L. Social work supervision for changing contexts (2015) .In L. Beddoe & J. Maidment (Eds.), Supervision in social work (pp. 82-95). London: Routledge.
  • Beddoe, L., & Harington, P. (2015). Social work Aotearoa New Zealand: Social policy, risk and professionalisation. In G. Palattiyil, D. Sidhva & M. Chakrabarti (Eds.), Social Work in a Global Context: Issues and Challenges (pp. 27-38). London: Routledge
  • Beddoe, L., & Maidment, J. (2015). Current challenges in supervision in social work. In L. Beddoe & J. Maidment (Eds.), Supervision in social work (pp. 1-9). London: Routledge.
  • Bray, P. (2015). Post-crises opportunities: A personal account of bereavement and growth. In P. Bray, & L. McLean, (Eds.), At the crossroads of crisis and opportunity: Interdisciplinary conversations. (pp. 3-34). Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • Bray, P. (2015). The prince is the patient: A Shakespearean tragic-fantasy of total institutional care. In P. Bray, & A. Borlescu, (Eds.), Beyond present patient realities: Collaboration, care and identity. (pp. 3-34). Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
  • Davys, A., & Beddoe, L. (2015). Interprofessional supervision: Opportunities and challenges. In L. Bostock (Ed.), Interprofessional Staff Supervision in Adult Health and Social Care Services (Vol. 1, pp. 37-41). Brighton, England: Pavilion Publishing
  • Marlowe, J. (2015) ‘Stress and Migration’.  In Stone, J., Rutledge, D., Rizova, P., Smith, A & Hou, X. (eds) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Chichester.
  • O’Brien, M. (2015). Child poverty policy in Hayward, J. (ed.) New Zealand Government and Politics. (6th ed). (pp.472-481). Melbourne: Oxford University Press
  • O’Brien, M. (2015). Inclusion, citizenship, poverty and welfare reform: The New Zealand experience in Hasmath, R. (ed.) Inclusive Growth, Development and Welfare Policy. A Critical Assessment. (pp.195-210). New York: Routledge.

Creative works

  • Espiner, D.A., Hartnett, F.M., & de Vos Sanchez, M. (2015).  Alison: 50 years under the system. Video: Borderless Productions



  • Beddoe, L., & Maidment, J. (Eds.). (2014). Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues. London, England: Routledge.
  • Bray, P., & Casal, T. (Eds.) (2014). Beyond diagnosis: Relating the person to the patient – the patient to the person. Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 978-1-84888-314-7
  • Duke, J., Henrickson, M., & Beddoe, L. (Eds.). (2014). Protecting the Public – Enhancing the Profession. E tiaki ana i te Hapori –E manaaki ana i nga mahi. Conference proceedings. Wellington: Social Workers Registration Board.


  • Adamson, C. (2014).  Editorial. Guest editorial.   Disaster Curriculum. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education. 16(2), 5-6 
  • Adamson, C. (2014). Social work lens for a disaster-informed curriculum. Advances in Social Work and Welfare. 16(2), 7 -22 
  • Beddoe, L. (2014). Feral families, troubled families: The spectre of the underclass in New Zealand. New Zealand Sociology. 29(3), 51-68 2014
  • Beddoe, L. (2014). A matter of degrees: The role of education in the professionalisation journey of social work in New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 26(2/3), 17-28.
  • Beddoe, L. (2013). ‘A profession of faith’ or a profession? Social work, knowledge and professional capital. New Zealand Sociology, 28(2), 44-63.
  • Beddoe, L., Davys, A. M., & Adamson, C. (2014). ‘Never trust anybody who says “I don’t need supervision”’: Practitioners’ beliefs about social worker resilience. Practice, 26(2), 113.
  • Beddoe, L., & Duke, J. (2013). Continuing professional development of registered social workers in New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25(3), 35-49.
  • Beddoe, L., & Fouché, C. B. (2014). ‘Kiwis on the Move’: New Zealand Social Workers' Experience of Practising Abroad. British Journal of Social Work, 44(suppl 1), i193-i208. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcu049
  • Connolly, M., de Haan, I., & Crawford, J. (2014). Focus on stability: A cohort of young children in statutory care in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Social Work. doi:10.1177/0020872814554855
  • Dare, T. Vaithianathan, R. & de Haan, I. (2014). Addressing child maltreatment in New Zealand: Is poverty reduction enough? Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46(9), 989-994.
  • Deane, K. L. & Harre, N. (2014). Program theory-driven evaluation science in a youth development context. Evaluation & Program Planning, 45, 61-70. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2014.03.009.
  • De Haan, I., & Connolly, M. (2014).  Another Pandora's box? Some pros and cons of predictive risk modeling. Children and Youth Services Review, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.07.016.
  • Fouché, C., Kenealy, T., Mace, J., & Shaw, J. (2014). Practitioner perspectives from seven health professional groups on core competencies in the context of chronic care. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-7. doi:10.3109/13561820.2014.915514.
  • Guild, D., & Espiner, D. (2014). Strengthening resilience in families. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 22 (4), 38-41.
  • Harris, A., Marlowe, J., & Nyuon, N. (2014). Rejecting Ahmed’s ‘melancholy migrant’: South Sudanese Australians in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 1-13. 10.1080/03075079.2014.881346.
  • Henrickson, M.; Fouche, C.; Poindexter, C.C.; Brown, D.B. & Scott, K.(2014). Host country responses to Black African migrants and refugees living with HIVAotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 26(4), 25-36.
  • Henrickson, M., Brown, D. B., Fouché, C., Poindexter, C. C., & Scott, K. (2013). “Just talking about it opens your heart”: Meaning-making by Black African migrants and refugees living with HIV. Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. doi:10.1080/13691058.2013.790076.
  • Howard, F., Beddoe, L., & Mowjood, A. (2013). Interprofessional supervision in social work and psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25(4), 25-40.
  • Hyslop, I. (2013). The 'White paper for vulnerable children' and the 'Munro review of child protection in England': A comparative critique. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25(4), 4-14.
  • Kang, W., Harington, P., & Park, H. (2014). Double empowerment: The role of the Korean community in empowering Korean older people in New Zealand. Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017314546446.
  • Marlowe, J. M., & Elliott, S. (2014). Global trends and refugee settlement in New Zealand. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online9 (2), 43-49. doi:10.1080/1177083X.2014.953186
  • Marlowe, J. M., Bartley, A., & Hibtit, A. (2014). The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy: Implications for identity, acculturation and civic participation. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 1-10. doi:10.1080/1177083x.2014.934847.
  • Marlowe, J.M. (2014).  A social justice lens to examine refugee populations affected by disasters. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education. 16(2), 46-59.
  • Marlowe, J. M., Appleton, C., Chinnery, S.-A., & Van Stratum, S. (2014). The integration of personal and professional selves: Developing students' critical awareness in social work practice. Social Work Education, 1-14. doi:10.1080/02615479.2014.949230.
  • Marlowe, J. M., Lou, L., Osman, M., & Alam, Z. Z. (2014). Conducting post-disaster research with refugee background peer researchers and their communities. Qualitative Social Work. doi:10.1177/1473325014547252.
  • Marlowe, J. (2013). Resettled refugee perspectives to the Canterbury earthquakes. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22(5), 434-444.
  • Mutch, C., & Marlowe, J. (2013). The importance of people’s stories in disaster contexts. Disaster Prevention and Management, 22(5), 385-394.
  • O’Brien, M. (2014). The world we're in: Social work now and then. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 26(2/3), 7-16.
  • Park, H. (2014). Living with ‘Hwa-byung’: The psycho-social impact of elder mistreatment on the health and well-being of older people. Aging and Mental Health, 18(1), 125-128. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2013.814103.
  • Park, Y-S., & Park, H. (2014). Conceptualizing HYO [filial piety] welfare and its implications for social policy for older people. Journal of Korean Hyo [filial piety] Studies, 19. 89-114.
  • Park, H.-J., & Kang, W.-M. (2014). Social participation and transnational engagement among Korean residents in New Zealand: Issues and implications for social work practice. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 1-10. doi: 10.1080/02185385.2014.925818.
  • Stanfield, D., & Beddoe, L. (2013). Social work and the media: A collaborative challenge. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 25(4), 41-51.
  • Staniforth, B., Fouché, C. B., & Beddoe, L. (2014). Public perception of social work and social workers in New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 26(2/3), 48-60.
  • Thorburn, N. and de Haan, I. (2014). Children and survival sex: A social work agenda; Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 26, (4), 14-21.
  • Webster, M. (2013). Online learning: How a course for frontline managers became a virtual community of practice. Advances in Social Work & Welfare Education, 15(2), 7-25. (Editor’s choice)


  • Appleton, C., Rankine, M., & Hare, J. (2014). An appreciative inquiry into cultivating ‘fit and proper’ social work students. In J. Duke, M. Henrickson & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Protecting the Public –Enhancing the Profession .E tiaki ana i te Hapori –E manaaki ana i nga mahi (pp. 130-141). Wellington Social Workers Registration Board.
  • Adamson, C. (2014). Stress, resilience and responding to civil defence emergencies and natural disasters: An ecological approach.  In L. Beddoe, & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 63-75). London, England: Routledge.
  • Beddoe , L., & Maidment, J. (2014). Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing. In L. Beddoe  & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 1-11). London, England: Routledge.
  • Beddoe, L. (2014). Risk and vulnerability discourses in health. In L. Beddoe, & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 51-62). London, England: Routledge.
  • Fouché, C. (2014). Partnering in the field of chronic care service provision. In L. Beddoe, & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 218-229). London, England: Routledge.
  • Marlowe, J. (2013). South Sudanese resettlement: Acculturation strategies and social capital. In J. Marlowe, T. Lyons, & A. Harris (Eds.), Sudanese diaspora in Australia and New Zealand: Reconciling the past with the present (pp. 101-115). Newcastle on Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Marlowe, J. (2014). Refugee resettlement: Considerations of health and well-being. In L. Beddoe, & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 194-205). London, England: Routledge.
  • O'Brien, M. A., & St John, S. (2014). Adequate income to address child poverty. C. Dale, In M. A. O'Brien,, & S. St John, (Eds.), Our  Children Our Choice: Priorities for policy (101-127). Auckland. Child Poverty Action Group.
  • O'Brien, M. A. (2014). Privatizing the Right to Food: Aotearoa/New Zealand. G. Riches, (Ed.), First World Hunger Revisited. Food Charity or the Right to Food? (102-116). Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • O’Brien, M. (2013). ‘Voluntary Activities’: Reflections on economic and social context. In F. Te Momo, L. George, & T. Brown-Pulu (Eds.), Mana Ngakau: Community compassion - Maori and Pacific ‘volunteer’ work (pp. 9-22). Auckland, New Zealand: Massey University.
  • O’Brien, M., & Choi, C. (2013). Reshaping Aotearoa/New Zealand’s social services: Some reflections and implications. In M. East, & S. May (Eds.), Making a difference in education and social policy  (pp.31-49). Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson.
  • Park, H. (2014). Ageing in resiliency: Learning from the experiences and perceptions of migrant older adults (Chapter 16). In L. Beddoe, & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 183-193). London, England: Routledge.
  • Passells, V. (2013). Pacific heritage specific conceptual frameworks and family violence preventative training in Aotearoa New Zealand. In K. A. Larsen, V. Sewpaul, & G. O. Hole (Eds.), Participation in community work: International perspectives (pp. 188-203). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Pockett, R., & Beddoe, L .(2014) Social work in health care: An international perspective In B. Blom, A. Lalos, S. Morén & M. Olsson (Eds.), Socialt arbete I hälso-och sjukvård. Villkor, innehåll och utmaningar  (Social work in health care: Conditions, content and challenges) (pp.216-232).Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
  • Staniforth, B. & Noble, C., (2014). Social work education in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia. In. C. Noble, H. Strauss and B. Littlechild. Global social work. Crossing borders, blurring boundaries (pp. 171-184). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
  • Thompson, A., & Adamson, C. (2014). Collaborative practice and family meetings in children’s health. In L. Beddoe, & J. Maidment (Eds.), Social work practice for promoting health and wellbeing: Critical issues (pp. 159-170). London, England: Routledge.
  • Webster, M. (2013). Complexity approach to frontline social work management: Constructing an emergent team leadership design for a managerialist world. The situation in 2013. In J. Lawler & T. Hafford-Letchfield (Eds.), Perspectives on management and leadership in social work (pp. 39-68). London, England: Whiting & Birch.
  • Webster, M. (2014). A vision for social work leadership: Critical conceptual elements. In J. Duke, M. Henrickson & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Protecting the Public –Enhancing the Profession .E tiaki ana i te Hapori –E manaaki ana i nga mahi (pp. 79-92). Wellington Social Workers Registration Board.
  • Williams, L., Labonte,, R., & O'Brien, M. A. (2014). Upelnomocniajac Dzialanie Spolezne Poprzez Tworzenie Narracji Kultury i Tozsamosci. A. Gukzynska, & M. Granosik, (Eds.), Empowermentw pracy socjalnej: prakytka i badania partycypac yjne (87-98). Warszawa. WYG International Sp.z.o.o.

Report - Commissioned

Dale, C., O'Brien, M. A., & St John, S. (2014). Our Children Our Choice: Priorities for policy. Auckland, Child Poverty Action Group. Commissioning body: Child Poverty Action Group.

Conference Paper

O'Brien, M. A. (2014). Here and There, Near and Far: Developments in social services in New Zealand. Presented at Social Service providers Aotearoa, Invercargill. 9 - 10 October 2014. 




  • Agee, M. N., McIntosh, T., Culbertson, P., & Makasiale, C. ‘O. (Eds.). (2013). Pacific identities and well-being: Cross-cultural perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Agee, M. N., McIntosh, T., Culbertson, P., & Makasiale, C. ‘O. (Eds.). (2013). Pacific identities and well-being: Cross-cultural perspectives. Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
  • Beddoe and J. Maidment (Eds.), (In press). Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues. Routledge, London
  • Marlowe, J., Lyons, T. and Harris, A. (2013) Sudanese Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand: Reconciling the Past with the Present, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle on Tyne.

Journal Articles

  • Beddoe, L. (2013). ‘A profession of faith’ or a profession: Social work, knowledge and professional capital. New Zealand Sociology Accepted October 2013.
  • Beddoe, L. (2013). Continuing education, registration and professional identity in New Zealand social work. International Social Work. 10.1177/0020872812473139
  • Connolly, M. de Haan, I. & Crawford, J. (in press) The Safety of Young Children in Care: a New Zealand study. Adoption and Fostering. 37(3), 284-296.
  • Deane, K. L. & Harré, N. (2013). The youth adventure programming model. Journal of Research on Adolescence, Early access 22-7-13. doi:10.1111/jora.12069
  • Deng, S. and Marlowe, J. ‘Refugee Resettlement and Parenting in a Different Context’ Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. Accepted
  • Fouché, C., Butler, R. & Shaw, J. ‘Atypical Alliances: The potential for social work and pharmacy collaborations in primary health care delivery’, Social Work in Health Care, 52(9), 789-807, 2013.
  • Fouché, C., Beddoe, L., Bartley, A., & Brenton, N. (2013). Strengths and struggles: overseas qualified social workers' experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand. Australian Social Work, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/0312407x.2013.783604
  • Fouché, C., Beddoe, L., Bartley, A., & de Haan, I. (2013). Enduring professional dislocation: Migrant social workers' perceptions of their professional roles. British Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bct054
  • Harington, P. R., & Beddoe, L. (2013). Civic practice: A new professional paradigm for social work. Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017313477316
  • Harris, A., Marlowe, J., Nyuon, N. (In press) Rejecting Ahmed’s ‘melancholy migrant’: South Sudanese Australians in higher education, Studies in Higher Education.
  • Henrickson, M., Brown, D.B., Fouché, C., Poindexter, C.C., & Scott, K. (in press) “Just talking about it opens your heart”: Meaning-making by Black African migrants and refugees living with HIV. Culture, Health & Sexuality.
  • Henrickson, M. & Staniforth, B. (2012). Religion in the (re)construction of sexual identity in lesbian, gay and bisexual New Zealanders. Fieldwork in Religion. 7 (12). 118-134.
  • Lyons, T., Marlowe, J. and Harris, A. (2013) Linking democracy, development and the diaspora’, Australasian Review of African Studies, 34(1), 3-7.
  • Marlowe, J. (in press) ‘Resettled refugee perspectives to the Canterbury earthquakes’ Disaster Prevention and Management
  • Marlowe, J. (2013) ‘Going Slowly Slowly: An Ethnographic Engagement with the South Sudanese Community’, Studies in Symbolic Interaction 40(1), 153-173.
  • Marlowe, J. and Lou, L. (in press) ‘Canterbury earthquakes and resettled refugee background communities’, Aotearoa Social Work Review. 25(2), 58-68
  • McCann, C. M., Beddoe, E., McCormick, K., Huggard, P., Kedge, S., Adamson, C. & Huggard, J. (2013). Resilience in the health professions: A review of recent literature. International Journal of Wellbeing, 3(1), 60-81. doi: 10.5502/ijw.v3i1.4
  • Mutch, C. and Marlowe, J. (in press) ‘The importance of people’s stories in disaster contexts’, Disaster Prevention and Management
  • O’Brien, M. (2013) Social work registration and professionalism: Social justice and poverty – Fellow Travellers or Discarded passenger? Social Work Review
  • O’Brien, M. (2013) From Citizen to Managed Worker: Welfare Reform in Aotearoa New Zealand, Journal of Social Policy and Administration, 47, 6, 729-748.
  • Park, H. & Kim, C. G. (2013). Ageing in an inconvenient paradise: The immigrant experiences of Korean older people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Australasian Journal on Ageing. Article first published online: 22 JAN 2013. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-6612.2012.00642.x
  • Poindexter, C.C., Henrickson, M., Fouché, C., Brown, D.B., & Scott, K. (2013). “They Don't Even Greet You:” HIV stigma and diagnosis disclosure experienced by HIV-Positive African immigrants and refugees in New Zealand. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 12(1), 44–65. 2013
  • Rankine, M. (2013). Getting a different perspective: Piloting the ‘Group Consult’ model for supervision in a community-based setting. Practice, 1-16. doi:10.1080/09503153.2013.786696
  • Staniforth, B. & Nash, M. (2012). Bringing a myriad of gifts: June Kendrick. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work. 24 (2). 27-37.
  • Webster, M. (In press). Online learning: How a course for frontline managers became a virtual community of practice. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, accepted.


  • Adamson, C. (in Press) Stress, resilience and responding to civil defence emergencies and natural disasters: An ecological approach. In L. Beddoe and J. Maidment (Eds.), Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues.
  • Agee, M. N. & Culbertson, P. (2013). Sowing the seeds: Parents’ and grandparents’ influences in the identity development of ‘afakasi young people. In M. N. Agee, T. McIntosh, P. Culbertson, & C. ‘O. Makasiale (Eds.), Pacific identities and well-being: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 65-83). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.
  • Bartley, A.J. (In Press). (Un)Problematic multiculturalism: Challenges and opportunities for social cohesion in New Zealand. In: Vasu, N., Chin, Y. & Law, T. (Eds.), The nation: Narratives and communities in the Asia Pacific, Abingdon, UK and New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Beddoe , L. (2013). Starting out in supervision. In K. E. Stagnitti, A. Schoo & D. Welch (Eds.), Clinical and Fieldwork Placement in the Health Professions (2nd ed., pp. 368-381). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Beddoe , L., & Egan, R. (2013). Social work supervision. In M. Connolly & L. Harms (Eds.), Social Work: Contexts and Practice (3rd ed., pp. 371-382). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Beddoe , L. (2013). Violence and the media. In A. Taylor & M. Connolly (Eds.), Understanding violence: Context and practice in the human services (pp. 65-78). Christchurch, NZ: Canterbury University Press.
  • Beddoe, L. (In press) Risk and vulnerability discourses in health. In L. Beddoe and J. Maidment (Eds.), Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues.
  • Campbell, L & Fouche, C. (2013). Research in social work. In M. Connolly & L. Harms (Eds.), Social Work: Contexts and Practice (3rd ed., pp.356-370). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Fouche, C . (in press) Partnering in the field of chronic care service provision. In L. Beddoe and J. Maidment (Eds.), Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues. London, Routledge . Accepted
  • Lyons, T., Harris, A., Marlowe, J. (in press) ‘Sudanese Diaspora: Reconciling the Past with the Present’ in Marlowe, J., Lyons, T. and Harris, A. (eds) Sudanese Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand: Reconciling the Past with the Present, (pp. 265-278) Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Marlowe, J. (2013) ‘Refugee Resettlement: Considerations of health and well-being’ in Beddoe, E., Maidment, J. & McFarlane, S. (eds). Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues. London, Routledge.
  • Marlowe, J. (2013) ‘South Sudanese Resettlement: Acculturation Strategies and Social Capital’ in Marlowe, J., Lyons, T. and Harris, A. (eds) Sudanese Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand: Reconciling the Past with the Present, (pp. 101-115). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Marlowe, J., Harris, A and Lyons, T. (2013) ‘South Sudanese Diaspora in Global Contexts’ in Marlowe, J., Lyons, T. and Harris, A. (eds) Sudanese Diaspora in Australia and New Zealand: Reconciling the Past with the Present, (pp. 1-11). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • O’Brien, M. (2013). Social work, poverty and disadvantage. In M. Connolly & L. Harms (Eds.), Social Work: Contexts and Practice (3rd ed., pp.74-98). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • O'Brien, M. (2013) A Better Welfare System in Rashbrooke, M. (ed.) Inequality: A New Zealand Crisis. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books.
  • O’Brien, M. (Forthcoming) Privatising the Right to Food: Aotearoa/New Zealand in Riches, G., Silvasti, T. (eds) First World Hunger Revisited: Food Charity or the Right to Food. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • O’Brien, M., Choi, C. (2013) Reshaping Aotearoa/New Zealand’s Social Services: Some Reflections and Implications in East, M., May, S. (eds) Making a Difference in Education and Social Policy, Auckland: Pearson.
  • O'Brien, M. (2013) Voluntary activities: Reflections on definitions and social and economic context in Te Momo, F., George, L., Brown-Pulu, T. Mana Ngakau: Community Compassion ­ Maori and Pasifika - Volunteer Work. Auckland: Massey University.
  • Park, H. (2013). Elder abuse and neglect. In Taylor, A & Connolly, M. (Eds) Understanding violence: Context and practice in human services. (pp.142-150) Christchurch: Canterbury University Press
  • Park, H. (in press). Ageing in resiliency: Learning from the experiences and perceptions of migrant older adults (Chapter 16). In L. Beddoe and J. Maidment (Eds.), Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues. London, Routledge.
  • Pockett, R. & Beddoe, L. (In press) Social work in health care: An international perspective In Lalos, A., Blom, B., Moren, S. & Olsson, M. (Eds) Social work in healthcare. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur [in Swedish]
  • Thompson, A & Adamson, C (In press). Collaborative practice and family meetings in children’s health In L. Beddoe and J. Maidment (Eds.), Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues. London, Routledge.


Book - Edited

  • Agee, M. N., McIntosh, T., Culbertson, P., & Makasiale, C. ‘O. (Eds.). (2013). Pacific identities and well-being: Cross-cultural perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. Released November 2012.
  • Crisp, B., & Beddoe, L. (Eds.) (2012). Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education. London: Routledge.
  • Thompson, A., & Irving-Hendry, T. (2012). Beyond Words: Grieving when your child has died. Wellington, NZ: Skylight.

Journal articles

  • Adamson, C., Beddoe, L., & Davys, A. (2012). Building resilient practitioners: Definitions and practitioner understandings. British Journal of Social Work. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcs142
  • Appleton, C. (2012) ‚‘Critical Friends’, Feminism and Integrity: A reflection on the use of critical friends as a research tool to support researcher integrity and reflexivity in qualitative research studies‛, Women in Welfare Education, Number 10, 1-13.
  • Barrett, R., Lapsley, H., & Agee, M. (2012). “But they only came once!” The single session in career counselling. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 32(2), 71-82.
  • Adamson, C., Beddoe, L., & Davys, A. (2012). Building Resilient Practitioners: Definitions and Practitioner Understandings. British Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcs142
  • Bartley, A., Beddoe, L., Fouché, C. B., & Harington, P. Transnational social workers: Making the profession a transnational professional space. International Journal of Population Research, vol. 2012 (Article ID 527510,), 11. DOI:10.1155/2012/527510,2012
  • Beddoe, L., & Deeney, C. (2012). Discovering health social work in New Zealand in its published work: Implications for the profession. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(1), 41-55.
  • Beddoe, L., & Howard, F. (2012). Interprofessional supervision in social work and psychology: Mandates and (inter) professional relationships. The Clinical Supervisor, 31(2), 178-202. doi: 10.1080/07325223.2013.730471
  • Espiner, D; Guild, D. (2012). Capturing what matters most: Engaging students and their families in educational planning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 44(5), May/June: 56-67
  • Lalayants, M., Epstein, I., Auslander, G. K., Chan, W. C. H., Fouché, C., Giles, R., Vertigan, A. (2012). Clinical data-mining: Learning from practice in international settings. International Social Work. DOI:10.1177/0020872811435370
  • Lunt, N., Ramian, K., Shaw, I., Fouché, C. And Mitchell, F. (2012) Networking practitioner research: synthesizing the state of the ‘art’. European Journal of Social Work. DOI:10.1080/13691457.2010.513964, 1-19.
  • Lyons, T., Marlowe, JM, Harris, A. (2012) ‘Violence in Africa and its consequences: Understanding Africa in Australasia and the Pacific’, Australasian Review of African Studies, 33(1), p. 3-12.
  • Maidment, J., & Beddoe, L. (2012). Is Social Work Supervision in “Good Heart”? A Critical Commentary. Australian Social Work, 65(2), 163-170. DOI:10.1080/0312407x.2012.680426
  • Marlowe, J. M. (2012). ‘Walking the line’: Southern Sudanese masculinities and reconciling one's past with the present. Ethnicities, 12(1), 50-66. DOI:10.1177/1468796811419605
  • Merry, SN., Stasiak K., Shepherd, M., Frampton, C., Fleming, T, & Lucassen MF. (2012). The effectiveness of SPARX, a computerised self help intervention for adolescents seeking help for depression: randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. British Medical Journal. 344:e2598. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.e2598.
  • Mundy-McPherson, S., Fouché, C., & Elliot, K. (2012). If Only “a Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet”: A Systematic Review on the Impact of Youth Work for Young People. Child and Youth Care Forum, 41(2), 213-228. DOI:10.1007/s10566-011-9169-z
  • O'Brien, M. A. (2012). Towards eliminating child poverty. Tui Motu, (157), 5-5.
  • O'Brien, M. A. (2012). Lone parents working for welfare in New Zealand. Local Economy, 27 (5-6), 577-592. doi:10.1177/0269094212454408
  • Park, H-J & Anglem, J. (2012). The ‘transnationality’ of Koreans, Korean families and Korean communities in Aotearoa New Zealand: Implications for social work practice. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 24(1),31-40
  • Whittaker, R., Merry, S., Stasiak, K., McDowell, H., Doherty, I., Shepherd, M., Dorey, E., Parag, V., Ameratunga, S., & Rodgers, A. (2012) MEMO--a mobile phone depression prevention intervention for adolescents: development process and postprogram findings on acceptability from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24; 14(1):e13.

Publications by students and recent graduates

  • McWilliams, J. (2012). Finding my penis in the counselling room: From disempowerment to self-determination and agency. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 32(2), 1-11.
  • Mulqueeney, N. (2012). Tumeke bro’?: A personal reflection of a male White counsellor working with male Māori tamariki. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 32(1), 56-67. Reprinted November 2012 in Psychology Aotearoa,4(2), 79-85.
  • Seth, F. (2012). Counsellor development and spiritual growth through journaling. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 32(1), 13-24.
  • Thompson, K. (2012). Counsellors’ reflections on disenfranchised grief. New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 32(2), 54-70.
  • Va'afusuaga McRobie, S., & Makasiale, C. 'O. (2013). On values and spirituality in trauma counselling. In M. N. Agee, T. McIntosh, P. Culbertson, & C. 'O. Makasiale (Eds.), Pacific identities and well-being: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 130-141). New York, NY: Routledge.

Chapters in books

  • Agee, M. N. & Culbertson, P. (2013). Sowing the seeds: Parents’ and grandparents’ influences on the identity development of ‘afakasi young people. In M. N. Agee, T. McIntosh, P. Culbertson, & C. ‘O. Makasiale (Eds.), Pacific identities and well-being: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 46-65). New York, NY: Routledge
  • Beddoe, L., & Burley, M. (2012). Collaborating within and across interprofessional teams In J. Maidment & U. Bay (Eds.), Social Work in Rural Australia (pp. 40-57). Crows Nest New South Wales: Allen & Unwin.
  • Beddoe, L., & Fraser, H. (2012). Social Work in Australasia. In K. Lyons, T. Hokenstad, M. Pawar & N. Huegler (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of International Social Work (pp. 421-435). London: Sage.
  • Beddoe, L. (2012). Social work education and health: Knowledge for practice In B. R. Crisp & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education (pp. 6-23). London: Routledge
  • Crisp, B. R., & Beddoe, L. (2012). Introduction: Promoting health and well-being in social work education. In B. R. Crisp & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education (pp. 1-5). London: Routledge.
  • Crisp, B. R., & Beddoe, L. (2012). Conclusion: Developing an agenda to promote health and well-being in social work education. In B. R. Crisp & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education. (pp. 157-162). London: Routledge.
  • Fouché, C. B., & Beddoe, L. (2012). Crossing borders: Migrant social workers as global professionals. In N. Hall (Ed.), Social Work Around the World V: The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. (pp. 53-64). Geneva: IFSW.
  • Fouché, C., & Martindale, K. (2011). Work–life balance: Practitioner well-being in the social work education curriculum. In B. Crisp, & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education. (pp.120-130). London: Routledge.
  • Marlowe, J. M. & Adamson, C.E. (2012). Teaching trauma: Critically engaging a troublesome term. In B. Crisp, & L. Beddoe (Eds.), Promoting Health and Well-being in Social Work Education. (pp.53-64). London: Routledge.



  • Crocket, K., Agee, M. & Cornforth, S. (Eds.). (2011). Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors. Wellington: Dunmore.
  • De Vos, AS; Delport, CSL; Fouché, CB & Strydom, H.(2011) Research at grass roots: for the social sciences and human service professions. Pretoria: JL van Schaik publishers. 4th edition.


  • Elliott, K. J. (2011). Inside out: Spirituality and sexuality in Aotearoa/New Zealand secondary schools. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Auckland: University of Auckland
  • Martindale, K.J. (2010). An investigation into the subjective wellbeing of people with an intellectual disability. Faculty of Health, School of Psychology, Deakin University Melbourne Australia.
  • Passells, V. (2011). Niue ways: Legends and oral narratives: Terms of reference for contemporary times. Unpublished Masters Dissertation, Auckland: University of Auckland

Conference Proceedings

  • Beddoe, L., & Davys, A. (2011). Common Threads- Different patterns: Supervision 2010 Conference proceedings. Download here

Chapters and Journal articles

  • Adamson, C. (2011). Resilience informed supervision. In L. Beddoe & A. Davys (Eds.), Common Threads- Different patterns: Supervision 2010 Conference proceedings. (pp. 3-7). Auckland: Faculty of Education, University of Auckland.
  • Adamson, C. (2011). Supervision is Not Politically Innocent. Australian Social Work, 1-12. doi:10.1080/0312407x.2011.618544
  • Adamson, C.E. (2011). Getting the balance right: critical reflection, knowledge and the social work curriculum, Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, Special Issue: Critical Reflection: Method and Practice, 13(1):29-48.
  • Agee, M. (2011). Imminent threat of serious harm. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 188-190). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • Agee, M. (2011). Testimonials from clients. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 77-79). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • Agee, M. (2011). When a client goes to Court. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 208-211). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • Agee, M. (2011). When a counsellor knows about illegal practices. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 212-215). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • Agee, M., & Feather, R. (2011). Counsellors as witnesses in court. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 204-207). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • Agee, M., Crocket, K., Fatialofa, C., Frater-Mathieson, K., Kim, H., Vong, C., & Woolf, V. (2011). Culture is always present: A conversation about ethics. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 28-32). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • Arris, V. & Marlowe, J.M. ‘Hard Yards, High Hopes: The Educational Challenges of African Refugee Students’, The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Forthcoming.
  • Bartley, A., Beddoe, L., Duke, J., Fouché, C., Harington, P. R. J., & Shah, R. (2011). Crossing Borders: Key features of migrant social workers in New Zealand. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 23(3), 16-30.
  • Beddoe, L. (2011). External supervision in social work: Power, space, risk, and the search for safety. Australian Social Work, 1-17. doi:10.1080/0312407x.2011.591187
  • Beddoe, L. (2011). Health social work: Professional identity and knowledge. Qualitative Social Work. First published 9 August 2011. doi:10.1177/1473325011415455
  • Beddoe, L. (2011). Investing in the future: Social workers talk about research. British Journal of Social Work, 41(3), 557-575.
  • Beddoe, L., & Harington, P. (2011). One Step in a Thousand-Mile Journey: Can Civic Practice Be Nurtured in Practitioner Research? Reporting on an Innovative Project. British Journal of Social Work April 5, 2011 DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcr035
  • Beddoe, L., Ackroyd, J., Chinnery, S.-A., & Appleton, C. (2011). Live supervision of students in field placement: More than just watching. Social Work Education, 30(5), 512-528. doi:10.1080/02615479.2010.516358
  • Beddoe, L., Davys, A., & Adamson, C. (2011). Educating resilient practitioners. Social Work Education, 1-18. doi:10.1080/02615479.2011.644532
  • Beddoe, L., Fouché, C., Bartley, A., & Harington, P. (2011). Migrant Social Workers' Experience in New Zealand: Education and Supervision Issues. Social Work Education, 1-20. doi:10.1080/02615479.2011.633600
  • Chinnery, S. A., & Beddoe, L. (2011). Taking active steps towards the competent use of self in social work. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, Special Issue: Critical Reflection: Method and Practice 13(1), 127-151.
  • De Haan, I & Manion, K. (2011). Building safety and deepening our practice. Social Work Now. 47 (April) 35-43
  • Espiner, D; Hartnett, F. M. (2011), ‘I felt I was in control of the meeting’: facilitating planning with adults with an intellectual disability. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39: no. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-3156.2011.00684.x
  • Fouché, C. & Lunt, N. A Framework of Opportunity for Practitioner Research. (2011). In Issa M. Saleh & Myint Swe Khine (Eds.), Practitioner Research in Teacher Education: Theory and Best Practices. Germany: Peter Lang Publishing Group. 
  • Fouché, C., & Light, G. (2011). An invitation to dialogue: ‘The World Café’ in social work research. Qualitative Social Work, 10(1), 28-48.
  • Fouché, C., Martindale, K.J. (2011). Work-life balance: Practitioner well-being in the social work education curriculum. Social Work Education, 30(6), 675-685.
  • Fouché, C.B. & Martindale, K. (2011). ‘Practitioner wellbeing: Work-life balance in the social work education curriculum. Journal of Social Work Education. In press.
  • Harris, V. & Marlowe, JM (2011) ‘Hard Yards, High Hopes: The Educational Challenges of African Refugee Students’, The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23 (2), p.186-196.
  • Lunt, N., Ramian, K., Shaw, I., Fouche, C. and Mitchell, F. Networking practitioner research: synthesizing the state of the ‘art’. The European Journal of Social Work. Forthcoming
  • Marlowe, JM (2011) ‘South Sudanese Disapora in Australasia’, Australasian Review of African Studies, 32(2).
  • Marlowe, JM (2011) ‘Walking the Line: Southern Sudanese masculinities and reconciling one’s past with the present’ – Ethnicities, available online. p. 1-17. doi: 10.1177/ 1468796811419605 [abstract]
  • Marlowe, JM (2011) ‘Sudanese Settlement: Employing Strategies of Intercultural Contact and Cultural Maintenance’, Australasian Review of African Studies, 32(2)
  • Marlowe, J., & Adamson, C. (2011). Teaching Trauma: Critically Engaging a Troublesome Term. Social Work Education, 30(6), 623-634. doi:10.1080/02615479.2011.586559
  • Marlowe, JM (2011) Refugee Resettlement and Participating as a Peer in Australian Society. In Chapman, C., Kellehear, K., Everett, M., Lane, A.,Robertson, S., Peters, J., Goding, M., Farhall, J.,Trauer, T. & Cassaniti, M., (eds) 20 years strong –and now a renaissance, Contemporary TheMHSin Mental Health Services, Sydney Conference Proceedings, pp. 76-83.
  • Marlowe, JM. & Chinnery, S. (2011) ‘Use of self in practice: a framework for integrating personal and professional knowledge’ in Noble, C., Henrickson, M. & Ha, I. (eds) Social work field education and supervision across the Asia Pacific. Sydney University Press: Sydney, pp. 349-374.
  • Medcalf, E., Agee, M., Cornforth, S., & Crocket, K. (2011). Responsibilities to others in a client's life. In K. Crocket, M. Agee & S. Cornforth (Eds.), Ethics in practice: A guide for counsellors (pp. 184-187). Wellington: Dunmore.
  • O’Brien, M. (2011) Dependency: Facts and Figures. Paper to Second Social Sector Reform Conference, Wellington, June 20.
  • O’Brien, M. (2011). Reforming Welfare: A Look Backwards. Policy Quarterly, vol.7, issue 2, 23-28.
  • O'Brien, M. (2011). Equality and fairness: Linking social justice and social work practice. Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 143-158.
  • O'Brien, M. (2011). Social Justice: Alive and Well (Partly) in Social Work Practice. International Social Work, 54, (2), 174-190.
  • O'Brien, M., & Salonen, T. (2011). Child poverty and child rights meet active citizenship: A New Zealand and Sweden case study. Childhood, 18, (2), 211-226.
  • Passells, V. (2011). Navigating research currents – emerging Pasifika researcher? Tu Mau: Social Work Review. Forthcoming
  • Staniforth, B., Fouché, C., & O'Brien, M. (2011). Still doing what we do: Defining social work in the 21st century. Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 191-208.



  • Davys, A., & Beddoe, L. (2010). Best practice in supervision: A guide for the helping professions. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Research report

Book chapters

  • Agee, M. N. (2011). A New Zealand perspective on suicide bereavement. In J. R. Jordan & J. L. McIntosh (Eds.), Grief after suicide: Understanding the consequences and caring for the survivors (pp. 487-494). New York: Routledge. 
  • Beddoe , L. (2010). Starting out in supervision. In K. E. Stagnitti, A. Schoo, & D. Welch (Eds.), Fieldwork education for the health professions: A guide to clinical learning and teamwork (pp. 329-344). Melbourne: Oxford.
  • Marlowe, J. (2010). Responding to trauma from forced migration and resettlement: Rethinking perspectives on Sudanese refugees.  In S. Robertson, & C. Issakidis (Eds.), You, your family, your community, your mental health: The path ahead (pp. 187-193). Alexandrina, Australia: SOS Print and Media Group.

Journal contributions

  • Adamson, CE (in press) Getting the balance right: critical reflection, knowledge and the social work curriculum. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education: Special Issue: Critical Reflection: Method and Practice.
  • Adamson, CE (in press) Resilience-informed supervision. In “Common Threads Different Patterns”. 2010 supervision conference proceedings. Faculty of Education, University of Auckland.
  • Beddoe, L. (In press). Supervision in child welfare: Retaining strong practitioners in ‘risky work’ Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education.
  • Beddoe, L., Yates, D., Harington, P. R. J., & Fouché, C. (In press). Practitioner research made easier: A report on the GRIP Project. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work.
  • Beddoe, L. (2010). Investing in the future: Social workers talk about research. British Journal of Social Work. First published 3 December 2010. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcq138
  • Beddoe, L. (2010). Surveillance or reflection: Professional supervision in ‘the risk society’. British Journal of Social Work, 40(4), 1279-1296.
  • Beddoe, L., Ackroyd, J., Chinnery, S.-A., & Appleton, C. (2010). Live supervision of students in field placement: More than just watching. Social Work Education: The International Journal. :DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2010.516358
  • Espiner, D.A; Guild, D. 'Growing a Circle of Courage culture: One school's journey', Reclaiming Children and Youth, 19, (2), p21-27, 2010.
  • Fouché, C. & Light, G. (2010). ‘An Invitation to Dialogue: The World Café in Social Work Research’. Qualitative Social Work. 10(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1177/1473325010376016
  • Fouché, C. & Lunt, N. (2010). ‘Nested mentoring relationships: reflections on a practice project for mentoring research capacity amongst social work practitioners’. Journal of Social Work, 10 (4), 391-407. doi: 10.1177/1468017310378780.
  • Harris, V., & Marlowe, J. (In press). Hard yards, high hopes: The educational challenges of African refugee students. The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
  • Irizarry, I., & Marlowe, J. (2010). Beyond mere presence: Making diversity work. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 29(1), p. 96-107.
  • Lunt, N. & Fouché, C. (2010). Practitioner research, ethics and research governance. Ethics and Social Welfare. 4(3), 219-235. doi:10.1080/17496535.2010.516117
  • Lunt, N., Shaw, I., & Fouché, C. (2010). Practitioner research: Collaboration and knowledge production. Public Money and Management, 30(4), 235-242.
  • Marlowe, J. (2010). Beyond the discourse of trauma: Shifting the focus on Sudanese refugees. Journal of Refugee Studies, 23(2), 183-198. doi:10.1093/jrs/feq013
  • Marlowe, JM (2010) Using a Narrative Approach of Double Listening in Research Contexts, The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (3), p. 43-53.
  • Martindale, K., & Phillips, R. (2010). Applying quality of life in mental health social work practice. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 22(1), 55-63.
  • McNabb, D., & M. Webster (2010). Qualities and practices of professional social work leadership in an interdisciplinary mental health service: An action learning approach. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 7(1), 41-57.
  • O'Brien PM, Kubick J, Espiner D, O'Connor B, O'Keeffe M. (2010). Including students in undergraduate classes within a university setting. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 23(5): 444-444 Sep 2010
  • Staniforth, B., Fouché, C. & O’Brien, M. (2010). ‘Still doing what we do: Defining social work in the 21st century’. Journal of Social Work. 1-18. doi: 10.1177/1468017310386697
  • Virtue, C., & Fouché, C. (2010). Multiple holding: A model for supervision in the context of trauma and abuse. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 22(1), 64-72.
  • Webster, M. (2010). Complexity approach to frontline social work management: Constructing an emergent team leadership design for a managerialist world. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 14(1), 27-46


Conference papers

  • Ackroyd, J. A., Beddoe, L., Chinnery, S., & Appleton, C. M. (2010). Live supervision of students in practicum: More than just watching. Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads, many Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April-1 May.
  • Adamson, CE (2010) Resilience-informed supervision: using current resilience theory to strengthen and sustain professional supervision practice. Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads, Many Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand. 30 April – 1 May.
  • Adamson, CE & Bellinger, A. (2010) “But what about the theory?” Designing a social work curriculum around practice learning and reflection. Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development; Hong Kong, 10-14 June.
  • Adamson, CE (2010) Growing resilience in health and mental health social workers: innovation in student practice learning, education and post-qualifying development. Changing Health: Acting and Reacting, Challenges for Social Work Theory and Practice. 6th International conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health., Dublin, Ireland, 28 June-2 July
  • Agee, M. (2010, November). Bringing George back home: Developing research into the influence of Maori tangi practices on Pakeha grieving rituals. Death Studies in Aotearoa/ New Zealand – A Symposium, University of Waikato, Hamilton.
  • Agee, M., Silipa, N., & Culbertson, P. (2010, November). Exploring Pasifika ‘Afakasi identities as a cross-cultural Pasifika-Palagi team. Contemporary Ethnography across the Disciplines Hui, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
  • Appleton, C. (2010) Does your “integrity” measure up? Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads, many Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April-1 May.
  • Agee, M. & Culbertson, P. (2010). Taking stock: Who publishes in the 'New Zealand Journal of Counselling', what are we publishing and where are we going? Paper presented at the New Zealand Association of Counsellors Research Conference, BTI, Tauranga, New Zealand, 24-25 June.
  • Beddoe, L. (2010). Discovering health social work in New Zealand in its published work: Implications for the profession. Paper presented at Changing Health: Acting and Reacting, Challenges for Social Work Theory and Practice, 6th International conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health., Dublin, Ireland, 28 June -2 July.
  • Beddoe, L. (2010). Health social work: Identity and theory for challenging times. Changing Health: Acting and Reacting, Challenges for Social Work Theory and Practice. 6th International conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health., Dublin, Ireland, 28 June-2 July.
  • Beddoe, L. (2010). The supervisor’s new clothes: Vulnerability, risk and resilience discourses in supervision. Invited keynote presented at the conference, Professional Supervision: Common Threads, Different Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April-1 May.
  • Beddoe, L., & Adamson, C. E. (2010) Building resilient social workers. Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads, Different Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April-1 May.
  • Culbertson, P., Agee, M., & Silipa, N. (2010, September). Sowing the seeds: Parents’ and grandparents’ influences in the identity development of ‘Afakasi young people. Pacific Research Symposium: Cross-cultural conversations about Pacific identities, mental health and wellbeing, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Espiner, D.A; Murray, R.M. 'Transforming lives: a person-centred way of being', Three day Summer School, Inclusion through Education, Research and Advocacy, National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 5 -7 July 2010.
  • Espiner, D.A; Murray, R.M. 'Pathways to inclusion through person-centredness: Plenary address', Inclusion through education, research and advocacy, Summer School, National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 5 -7 July 2010.
  • Espiner, D.A. 'The sharing of power and aspirations', Northern Regional Management Team IDEA Services, Auckland, 21 -22 April 2010.
  • Espiner, D.A. 'Transition planning: Not just sitting there- engaged and participating', Transitions -Perspectives and Practices. NZASID 7th Annual Conference and AGM, Scenic Hotel Southern Cross, Dunedin, 24 - 29 August 2010.
  • Fouché, C., & Martindale, K. (2010). Maintaining work/life balance: Whose work, whose life and what balance? Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads, Many Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand. 30 April – 1 May.
  • Fouché, C. (2010). 'So many of you…’: health professionals working with people with chronic conditions. Paper presented at the Changing Health Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 28 June-2 July.
  • Fouché, C. (2010). Work, life and balance: Commitments of an unpaid caregiver. Paper presented at the Changing Health Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 28 June-2 July.
  • Fouché, C. (2010). Practice-based research: Learning from international initiatives. Plenary panellist at the Tenth Doris Siegel Memorial Colloquium, New York, 22-24 June.
  • Fouché, C. (2010). Using a ‘Framework of Opportunity’ to advance practice research. Plenary address to Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development; Hong Kong, 10-14 June.
  • Howard, F. M., Beddoe, L., Mowjood, A. F. (2010). Exploring the practice of inter-disciplinary supervision with psychologists and social workers. Recommendations for best practice. Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads, Different Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April-1 May.
  • Webster, M. (2010). Constructing new insights into interdisciplinary human service management supervision: How can new technologies be used effectively? Paper presented at the conference Professional Supervision: Common Threads Different Patterns, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 April –1 May.



  • Beddoe, L., & Maidment, J. (2009) Mapping knowledge for social work practice: Critical intersections. Cengage, Melbourne.

Book chapters

  • Beddoe, L. (2009) Regulation and continuing education in Aotearoa New Zealand social work. In Noble, C; Henrickson, M. Han, I.Y. (eds) Social Work Education in the Asia Pacific Region: Issues and Debates (pp.388-412). Melbourne: Vulgar Press.
  • Beddoe, L., Egan, R. 'Social work supervision', In: Connolly, M. Harms, L.(ed.), Social work: Contexts and practice., (2nd ed.)., Melbourne, Oxford University Press, p.410-242, 2009

Journal contributions

  • Bartley, A.J., Webber, M.J. 'Duelling imperatives?: The problem of managing equity outcomes in a rationalised university system'. Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations Volume 9 (2), 2009: pp.71-84.
  • Beddoe, L. (2009) 'The journey of a profession: an introduction to "The relation of the university to the profession of social work" by Professor James E. Ritchie, (1967). Invited Review article for a special issue of Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 20(2) 22-3.
  • Beddoe, L. (2009). Creating continuous conversation: Social workers and learning organizations. Social Work Education-The International Journal, 28(7), 722 – 736.
  • Beddoe, L., & Duke, J. (2009). Registration in New Zealand social work: the challenge of change. International Social Work, 52(6), 785-797.
  • Chetty, M., Agee, M.R.N. 'Childhood exposure to domestic violence: Reflections of young immigrants of Indian origin', New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 29, (1), p36-53, 2009.
  • Davys, A., & Beddoe, L. (2009). The Reflective Learning Model: Supervision of social work students. Social Work Education-The International Journal, 28(8), 919-935.
  • Fouché, C. & Lunt, N. (2009) ‘Using groups to advance practice-based research’ Journal of Social Work with Groups, 32(1), 47-63.
  • Harington, P. (2009) review of ‘Organisations and Management in Social Work’ by Hughes, M. Wearing, M. Sage Publications. London. British Journal of Social Work. 
  • Kubiak, J., Espiner, D.A. (2009) 'Pushing the boundaries of inclusion within third-level education', The Frontline of Learning Disability, 74, p 8-9.
  • Lunt, N. & Fouché, C. (2009) ‘Action research for developing social workers' research capacity’ Educational Action Research, 17(2), 225-237.
  • Marlowe, J. (2009) ‘Accessing Authentic Knowledge: Being and Doing with the Sudanese Community’, Australian Community Psychologist, 21 (1), p. 39-49.
  • Marlowe, J. (2009) ‘Conceptualising Refugee Lives and Trauma in Contested Landscapes’, Australasian Review of African Studies, 30 (2), p. 128-151.
  • Marlowe, J., Pearl, N. & Marlowe, M. (2009) ‘School of Urban Wilderness Survival and the Circle of Courage’, Reclaiming Children and Youth, 18 (3).

Conference papers

  • Beddoe, L., Davys, A.M. 'Interprofessional learning for professional/clinical supervision', ANZ Association for Medical Education, Launceston Tasmania, 25/06/09 - 3/7/09, 2009
  • Beddoe, L. Social Work Supervision in the Risk Society, 20th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference on ‘Many voices, Many communities, Social justice for all’, Sky City Auckland Convention Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11-13 November, 2009
  • Chinnery, S., Beddoe, L., Ackroyd, J.A. 'Competent Use of Self: Developing mindful practice in preparation for practice learning', 20th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference on Many voices, Many communities, Social justice for all,, Sky City Auckland Convention Centre, Auckland, 11-13 November, 2009
  • Duke, J. & Beddoe, L. The Intersection of Education and Regulation, 2009 Social Work Education Forum, associated with 20th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference on ‘Many voices, Many communities, Social justice for all’, Sky City Auckland Convention Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11-13 November, 2009
  • Beddoe, L., Davys, A.M. 'Interprofessional learning for professional/clinical supervision', Australia New Zealand Association for Medical Education-Bridging Professional Islands, Launceston, Tasmania, 30 June-3 July, 2009
  • Harington, P.R.J. & Bartley, A.J. Civic aspirations in a contested world; a research and practice agenda for social work. Conference paper at “Promoting Harmony and Justice in a World of Conflict: An International Conference on Social Work and Counselling Practice” Conference, hosted by the Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong, and the Graduate School of Social Work, University of Houston. Hong Kong. June 2-5, 2009
  • Webster, M.J.’ The management of change in social services in Aotearoa New Zealand: An examination of the influence of post 1987 'new public managerialism' on organizational culture', Doctoral Symposium, Faculty of Education, Epsom, 19 March, 2009



  • Lunt, N., Fouché, C.B., Yates, D.E. (2008) 'Growing research in practice: An innovative practice model.', New Zealand Families Commission, 1-59.

Book chapters

  • Agee, M.R.N., Dickinson, P.M. (2008) 'It’s not an "either/ or": Pastoral care and academic achievement in secondary schools', In: Rubie-Davies, C. M., & Rawlinson, C. (ed.), Challenging thinking about teaching and learning., (1st edn), Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers, p.357-370.
  • Allen, L., Elliott, K.J. (2008) 'Learning sexualities in Aotearoa/New Zealand', In: V. Carpenter, P. Roberts, M. Stephenson and J. Jesson (ed.), Nga kaupapa here: Connections and contradictions in education., (1st edn), South Melbourne, Vic. Australia, p.168-178.
  • Bartley, A.J., Passells, V.M.H., Tipi, F.G. (2008) 'Bridges to tomorrow: Mapping the work/life/learning histories of students in bridging education', In: Woodcock, L. S. (ed.), Change and Challenge in Education., Athens, Athens Institute for Education and Research, p.441-454.
  • Beddoe, L., Egan, R. (2008) 'Social Work Supervision', In: Connolly, M. & Harms, L. (ed.), Social Work: Contexts and Practice., (2nd edn), Melbourne, Oxford University Press, p.410-422.
  • Campbell, L., Fouché, C.B. (2008) 'Research in social work', In: Connolly, M. & Harms, L. (ed.), Social work: Contexts and practice., (2nd edn), Melbourne, Oxford University Press, p.393-409.
  • Espiner, D.A., Guild, D. (2008) 'Turning up the volume: Young Adults Reflect on Their Secondary School Experience', In: Rubie-Davies, C.M., & Rawlinson, C. (ed.), Challenging thinking about teaching and learning., Hauppauge NY, Nova Science Publishers Inc, p.244-271.

Journal contributions

  • Bartley, A.J., Spoonley, P. (2008) 'Intergenerational transnationalism: The in-betweenness of 1.5 generation Asian migrants in New Zealand', International Migration, 46, (4), p63-84.
  • Beddoe, L. (2008) 'Creating continuous conversation: Social Workers and learning organizations', Social Work Education, on line advance access.
  • Beddoe, L. (2008) 'Professional supervision education: What does it offer principals and teachers?', SPANZ Secondary Principals Association NZ Journal, December, p7-10.
  • Beddoe, L., Davys, A.M. (2008) 'Revitalizing supervision education through stories of confirmation and difference: The case for interprofessional learning', Social Work Now, 40, p34-41.
  • Beddoe, L. (2008) 'Book review: Morley Glicken', Social Work in the 21st Century: An introduction to social welfare, social issues and the profession, Review in British Journal of Social Work, 38, (3), 607-609.
  • Beddoe, L. (2008) 'Book Review: Robin Shohet (Ed) Passionate Supervision', Review in British Journal Of Social Work, 38, (6), 1252-1253.
  • Brunton, M., Jordan, C., Fouché, C.B. (2008) 'Managing public health care policy: Who is being forgotten?', Health Policy, 88. P 348-358.
  • Culbertson, P.L., Agee, M.R.N., Makasiale, C.O., Lui, D., Patterson, S. 'Penina Uliuli: Voicing the unspoken and the unheard in Pacific mental health.', The MHS Conference, Miller, V., Hanlon, P., Robertson, S., Issakidis, C., Kellahear, K., Peters, J., Bland, R., Baily, S., Bonassi, M., & Goding, M.(ed.), Be the change you want: Workforce ingenuity, Contemporary Themes in Mental Health Services, Auckland, 2 - 5 September, 2008, p.258-264
  • Davys, A.M., Beddoe, L. (2008) 'Interprofessional learning for supervision: Taking the blinkers off', Learning in Health and Social care, 8, (1), p58-69.
  • Harington, P.R.J. (2008) 'Book Review', Lunt, Neil; O’Brien, M. Stephens. (eds) New Zealand, New Welfare. Cengage Learning Australia, Melbourne, Review in New Zealand Sociology, 23, (1), p52-59. http://ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz/content-aggregator/getIEs?system=ilsdb&id=1302589
  • Makasiale, C.O., Patterson, S., Silipa, N., Tupou, F., Agee, M.R.N., Culbertson, P.L. ' Voicing the unspoken: Breaking through the barriers of mainstream institutionalized deafness to Pacific therapeutic practices', National Maori and Pacific Psychologies Symposium, Levy, M., Nikora, L. W., Masters-Awatere, B., Rua, M. R., & Waitoki, W.(ed.), Claiming spaces: Proceedings of the 2007 National Maori and Pacific Psychologies Symposium, Waikato University, Hamilton, 23-24 November 2007, 2008, p.29-35.
  • Penny, R.L., Epston, D., Agee, M.R.N. (2008) ' A history of Marriage Guidance in New Zealand: A personal reflection', New Zealand Journal of Counselling, 28, (2), p1-9.
  • Webster, M.J., Tofi, H.J. (2007) 'Postgraduate social work management education in Aotearoa New Zealand: A unique framework for the study of management', Social Work Review, 19, (3), p48-57.

Conference papers

  • Agee, M.R.N., Patterson, S., LUI, D., Makasiale, C.O. 'Symposium: Voicing the unspoken in Pasifika mental health', The MHS Conference - 18th annual Mental Health Services Conference of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland, 2-5 September, 2008
  • Agee, M.R.N., Patterson, S., Silipa, N. 'Being 'Afakasi: Implications of complex cultural identities for mental health and wellbeing', The MHS Conference - 18th Annual Mental Health Services Conference of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland, 2-5 September, 2008
  • Agee, M.R.N., Zoutenbier, S.A. 'Taking off the "emotional rubber gloves": Challenging the myth of professional detachment', New Zealand Association of Counsellors Research Conference , Canterbury University, Christchurch, 20-21 November, 2008
  • Bartley, A.J. '(Un)Problematic multiculturalism: Challenges and opportunities for social cohesion in New Zealand', (Un)Problematic Multiculturalism and Social Resilience, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 21 February, 2008, www.rsis.edu.sg/cens/events/past_events.html
  • Beddoe, L.' Creating Continuous Conversation: Social Work and the Learning Organisation', Practical Experience in Professional Education, Edinburgh, 23-25 January, 2008
  • Beddoe, L.' Creating Continuous Conversation: Towards Learning Workplaces', Strength in Unity :Australian Assn Social Workers, Sydney, Australia, 9-12 November, 2008
  • Beddoe, L., Harington, P.R.J. 'Growing research in practice: Messages for social work education', Practical Experience in Professional Education, Edinburgh, 23-25 January, 2008
  • Chinnery, S., Ackroyd, J.A., Beddoe, L.' Taking active steps to the competent use of self in social work', Reflective Practice 2008, Rotorua New Zealand, 4-6 September, 2008
  • Elliott, K.J. 'Hauora: Spiritual well-being in a secular health curriculum', 7th Annual Australian and New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 5th-7th November, 2008, www.adolescenthealth08.com
  • Espiner, D.A.' The meaning of support', National Residential Intellectual Disability Providers (Inc): Creating and creativity into the future, Langham Hotel, Auckland, 14- 15 February, 2008
  • Espiner, D.A., O'Brien, P., Shevlin, M., O' Keefe, M., Curtis, S., Kubiak, J. 'Opening up a whole new world: Students with an intellectual disability being included within a university setting', 43rd Australasian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability (ASSID): Principles, Policies and Practice: The search for evidence, Melbourne, Australia, 24 -26 November, 2008
  • Fouché, C.B.' Growing research in practice: A partnership model', New Zealand Families Commission Research Seminar, Wellington, 18 June, 2008
  • Fouché, C.B., Beddoe, L. 'Growing research in practice: Playing the partnership game. A Research Demonstration.', DEMONSTRATE! The 9th Biennial Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research Conference 2008, Auckland, 24 November, 2008
  • Harington, P.R.J.' Being a civic practitioner; The civic literacy component of professional practice.' Practical Experience in Professional Education, Edinburgh, 23-25 January, 2008
  • Harington, P.R.J. 'Civic practitioners: who are they and what do they do?', Multidisciplinary Sociology. 2008 Annual conference of the Sociological association of Aotearoa New Zealand., Dunedin, 26-28 November, 2008
  • Pienaar, F. (2008). Stressors and coping in the lives of New Zealand children. 5th World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders, Melbourne, Australia, September, 2008
  • Webster, M.J.' Learning Styles and E-learning: Delivering knowledge and skills for health, human service and social work managers', Strength in Unity, Sydney, 9-12 November 2008

Professional presentations

  • Ackroyd, J.A.’Live supervision; Coming out from closed doors', Inter-university Field Education Seminars, Massey University, Albany, 18-05-2008
  • Ackroyd, J.A.' Teaching and learning in Health Social Work student Practica.', Supervised Fieldwork Educator Seminar, Auckland City Hospital, 21-08-2008
  • Ackroyd, J.A., Rimmer, J.' Practitioner to field educator; Tools for student learning on their fieldwork practicum.', Inter-university Supervised fieldwork Educator Seminar, Faculty of Education; Auckland University, 14-08-2008
  • Agee, M.R.N. 'Cultural identities and the "Being Afakasi" project: Implications for teaching and learning', Meeting of the Faculty of Education Educational Psychology Interest Group, 29-05-2008
  • Agee, M.R.N. 'The heart and soul of counselling supervision', Panel discussion: Mentoring or supervision: Who decides and what’s the difference?, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland. 11-06-2008
  • Beddoe, L. 'Creating Continuous Conversation: Social Work and the Learning Organisation', Faculty of Education Seminar Programme, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland, 18-03-2008
  • Beddoe, L. 'Social Work and Lifelong Learning', Deakin University Twilight Seminar Series, Deakin University, Victoria Australia, 15-05-2008
  • Beddoe, L.' Chaired and introduced the panel discussion: Mentoring or supervision: Who decides and what's the difference?', Faculty of Education, professional development for supervisors, Auckland, 11 June 2008
  • Beddoe, L.' Continuing professional development -address to plenary session', NZ Council of Social Work Professional Leaders DHB, Dunedin, 18 April 2008
  • Elliott, K.J.' The 'S Words': What young people are learning about sexualities and spiritualities in New Zealand', University of Auckland Continuing Education, University of Auckland, 15-10-2008
  • Harington, P.R.J.' Being a civic practitioner; the civic literacy component of professional practice.', Staff seminar series, Faculty of Education, 21-10-2008
  • Webster, M.J. 'Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers special interest group for social work managers: Gauging the views of the Auckland branch', Auckland, 24-09-2008